Replication from SQL to NATIVE ?


I have one short (I hope :slight_smile: ) question. We are going up from a native to a SQL Server with our database this summer. Actually we are working with replicator 4.22 in the native database.

=> When we start working with SQL Server it`s not possible to go back to native (if there where some errors, etc.). Because of this we have one, perhaps crazy idea to be on a safer side the first weeks: When we work with sql we still keep the replicator running and replicate the values to our native database (backup server). This means in simple words: Make replication from sql database dynamics nav to native database dynamics nav. Is it possible? :slight_smile:

Thanks for your help!

Best Regards from Germany, bavaria!



Hi David, Thanks for your reply!

The Problem is that our database is over 300GB and to make a restore this takes too long. So for example we have the worstcase on tuesday afternoon for me it`s not possible to make the restore till the next day :frowning:

You know what i mean?

Thanks, David!

What do you mean by “worsst case” ? If you only move to SQL, not doing any mods/changes at the same time, there should not be any problems arising simply from the change of database. Since you get the SQL DB up & running (user logins created & tested etc), there is no reason for trouble afterwards.

With worstcase i mean that perhaps something in our big system is not working correctly, statistics and we need a very fast solution. We have made many many changes in the code. And the code can be interpret in different ways between native and sql.

Thanks :slight_smile:


You don’t need to worry about this part - once more, simple change of DB would not cause problems in program logics.

Differences in productivity may arise, you may need to optimize SQL indexes etc etc. but NAV business logics doesn’t depend from DB used…

Hi guys,

followed the information about the problem from the solution center:

“Yes you can replicate SQL based Navision with Native. If you are using update-add-delete specs running sequential may however run into some errors because sql and native returns records in different order. We have tried to minimize this issue by using a new lookup function implemented in repnt.exe v 4.22.15. (Included in the 4.22.20 version available in the download section.”


Hi guys,

followed the information about the problem from the solution center:

“Yes you can replicate SQL based Navision with Native. If you are using update-add-delete specs running sequential may however run into some errors because sql and native returns records in different order. We have tried to minimize this issue by using a new lookup function implemented in repnt.exe v 4.22.15. (Included in the 4.22.20 version available in the download section.”
