Hi ,
In project list page form. I have filter control to filter the projects in the tree node.
So the top level being top and next level being middle and next level bottom.
I am looking to get display only the middle records in the list page. For this I have taken the datasource query and added two new datasources of projTable. As in below code.
parentProjTableDataSource = ProjTable_ds.query().dataSourceTable(tableNum(ProjTable)).addDataSource(tableNum(ProjTable));
parentProjTableDataSource.addLink(fieldNum(ProjTable, ProjId),fieldNum(ProjTable, ParentId));
parentProjTableDataSource = ProjTable_ds.query().dataSourceTable(tableNum(ProjTable)).addDataSource(tableNum(ProjTable));
parentProjTableDataSource.addLink(fieldNum(ProjTable, ParentId),fieldNum(ProjTable, ProjId));
The execute query method runs fine and give me the correct data.
But after execution I want to revert back the query to its standard state removing above added datasources.
When I use parentProjTableDataSource.enabled(false);, it will disable one datasource but still i have one left in the query.
Please help.