REMID tool for Upgrades

Hi Guys Have a lot of questions. Doing an upgrade at a client site. The upgrade is from Navision Financials 2.6 to MBS - Navision 3.7. Apperently according to the upgrade documentation you should export all the objects form std verion of 2.6 db and the customers db as text files and then apply the REMID tool to those text files. Because appertnly the REMID tool removes any object and variable ID’s before you can import those files in the navisioin developers toolkit for comparing and merging. Well I have done that and the REMID tool does not seem to work properly. The object text files I exported from the db is about 4.3 mg and when the remid tool is seems to be done(it looks like it is hanging). The new text file it created with a size 16k big. Do you really need to use the REMID tool? Because the upgrade docuemntation of 3.7 on the Navision cd advises that you need to do this for compare and merging other wise it mkes that part more difficult. If answer is yes please adivse. Need help urgently!!!

You don’t NEED it, but if you don’t use it, you will get alot more differences in the Compare Step. If you are doing a manual compare, then you can just ignore these. I’m not sure what happens if you let the Toolkit do the merge for you (That would be easy enough to determine by just exporting one or two objects).

Thanks Chris for your imput. If I only got so far. What are you refering to when you talk about manual compare.

Jacques…You have some reading to do. Make sure you understand the processes behind the upgrade before you attempt it. Once you do your research, you should be able to answer your own question.

Hi Chris Did that long before the upgrade. I think you mistook my question that I did not know what was involved. I know the upgarde manaul and developers toolkit like the back of my hand by now. When I ran the remid tool I expexted it to do certain things and what I expected was not the out come. That through me a bit of track. I think sometimes the manuals can a bit confusing. But I figured out what I needed to do and I’m well on my way to a successfull upgrade. But thanks for the input I realy appreciate your help.