Just curious who out there is using the Relationship Management / CRM granules in Navision? We purchased our Relationship Management / CRM granules when we first purchased Navision (almost a year ago), but have never implemented it. I am now being asked to start implementation, and was hopng just to get some feedback from others that are using the standard Relationship Management granules. Good, bad, ugly? Any customization req’d? etc. Thanks!
We have been using it for a year now. Takes more time filling in forms, but helps you to work more structured on to-dos. Also interaction log is very usefull to track relation history…
Personally I do not like the fact, that entering a Interaction takes 5 minuttes, when it can be done in 30 secs. if one could do it directly in the interactions form. Also, I would have liked, the option to have Company Contacts have the same account No. as Customer / Vendor (Don’t even think about starting to give me reasons why, that is not the case - One thing is therory, but in the real world, things are different). Other than that, I like it. It also gives a opportynity to have SALES people access to write data (New people, phone no, e-mail and other demographic information) and FINANCE people still having control on FINANCE related information (Posting Groups etc.) at my company we have actually used CRM for regisrating certifications (using profiles). two flies with one swipe, as it was a relative easy chunk of code, and still very easy to mail out updates to customers that are certified.