Regarding the Inquiry Form in payroll

Hi I am new to dynamics ax 2009, In our project we have the scenario to have a Enquiry form for the employee’s salary .

We have a table named as PRLEmplPayTrans,In which For Every Month payment ,A record is inserted ,So For a year 12 Records is inserted for a employyee.

Now I put the display method for the enquiry form to display like below

Empid | Name| Jansalary | Febsalary | marsalary | aprsalary | …DECSalary TotalAmount

For the above bolded one are display methods,

Empid and Name are PRLEmplPayTrans Datasource fields ,Forms is correctly working,Now Problem Is For 12 Records in

the Table, In the List page Grid 12 similar records are created .BUT I NEED ONLY ONE RECORD …

Any help Appreciated.


md rhiyas