Regarding Temp. Table

Hi all, Greetings of the Day. I have generated one report using temporary table. The report works fine, when i use this temp. table as my data source and the fields will be used in the design section. But i dont want to use the direct filelds ( of the temp. table) in my design section. I need to do some calculation stuff, so i wrote display methods. When i instantiate the temp table to fetch the data with some conditions in these methods, i found its coming blank,means not able to fetch data. Is i am missing something?? I populate the Temp table with data in init() method. Thanks in Advance Regards Amar

HI,Saxena I also often yield report using temporary table,In my experience,you should not use the temp.table as your data source directly,the following steps are my solutions. 1,declare a temporary table variant in classdeclaration; 2,instantiate in init method; 3,fetch data in fetch method; 4,wite your calculation field(stuff) in programmableSection; for example: 1,public class ReportRun extends ObjectRun { TmpTable TmpTable; } public boolean fetch() { boolean ret; this.executeControlColumnHeadings(1); while select TmpTable where TmpTable.Selected==1 { this.execute(1); } ret = super(); return ret; } Good luck&Best regard. Andy