I have a requirement as ,i created a listpage with reqplansched as root datasource ,that reqplansched data should display in grid,i have menuitem “reqtranspoactionedit” should use in that listpage ,i cretaed a menuitem button and specified this,i gave datasource name as reqpo for that buttongroup,the problem is ,data in that menu item is not displaying based on the selected line in tha grid,its always showing for a single plan ,hw to resolve it? please help me,hopw to pass the reqplan dat to that menu item,i use the interaction class to pass the dat ,its not working
Does “i gave datasource name as reqpo for that buttongroup” mean that your set the DataSource property of your menu item button to ReqPo? Nevertheless you wrote that you want it to be based on “selected line in tha grid”, which is ReqPlanSched (“reqplansched data should display in grid”). Therefore you should set ReqPlanSched as the data source of the button.
yes ,i gave datasource property of button group as reqpo,if i give as reqplansched as datasource ,it showing error as "Cannot apply initial query because no form root data source table matches the query root data source table ",
in the grid “reqplanidsched” and its “name” displays,if i click the menuitem button “reqtranspoactionedit” ,planned orders for the particular reqplanidsched should display,this is my requirement ,
If the form doesn’t support the data you’re sending, you have to change either your requirements or the form. Sending unrelated data to the form can’t achieve anything. What’s the form called by your menu item?
reqtranspo form
I’m unable to reproduce the exception - isn’t it caused by a customization?
Nevertheless AX doesn’t add any dynalink, because there is no suitable relation. You’ll have to either add a relation, or to adjust the query manually in linkActive().