we are exported ax 2012 R2 Indian localization data(dat) in from virtual machine(contoso) and after this we are imported(dat) this into another domain(ex: abcde.com). After importing this we are synchronized the tables and compiled the application.
But when i open any form in any module data is not coming. But in tables data is showing but the data is not showing in the forms.
All of the parameters on teh import will also have been critical given the architecture of AX2012 now. What did you set? Consistency checker will resolve this if all tables were successfully imported - any messages on import?
I would reommend concentrating on one form where the data is not showing and investigating why - as a test create one in the system and you will see it in both illustrating the import was not processed correctly. However I echo the advice of Harish as well - difficult with the information provided.
Data is not showing in all forms. While I’m creating a new record I’m geeting these errors
"The field Name must be filled in " or
“The number sequence does not found”.
I did database consistency check also.But I’m getting the below errors. I did data importing in another test domain there also i am getting same errors. when I’m using definition group I’m facing these problems. Is there any problem in definition group in AX 2012 R2.
[The following list has been edited by a moderator for readability purposes]
These are errors I’m getting
General ledger
Ledger transactions
Number of errors found: 0
Sales tax
Table Ledger posting groups
Ledger posting group: CAST, California State Tax
The value ‘5637146061’ in field ‘Sales tax receivable’ is not found in the related table ‘Dimension code combination’.
The value ‘5637146061’ in field ‘Sales tax payable’ is not found in the related table ‘Dimension code combination’.
The value ‘5637146083’ in field ‘Settlement account’ is not found in the related table ‘Dimension code combination’.
The value ‘5637152033’ in field ‘Use tax expense’ is not found in the related table ‘Dimension code combination’.
The value ‘5637146085’ in field ‘Use tax payable’ is not found in the related table ‘Dimension code combination’.
Table Currency table
Currency: AED, UAE Dirham
Denomination currencies exist. You cannot clear this checkbox.
Currency: AFN, Afghani
Denomination currencies exist. You cannot clear this checkbox.
Currency: ALL, Lek
Table Taxonomy locator table
Label: usfr-pte_WeightedAverageNumberDilutedSharesOutstanding, usfr-pte_WeightedAverageNumberDilutedSharesOutstanding
The value ‘usfr-pte_WeightedAverageNumberDilutedSharesOutstanding’ in field ‘Element ID’ is not found in the related table ‘Taxonomy element table’.
The value ‘usfr-pte_WeightedAverageNumberDilutedSharesOutstanding’ in field ‘Element ID’ is not found in the related table ‘Taxonomy element table’.
The value ‘usfr-pte_WeightedAverageNumberDilutedSharesOutstanding’ in field ‘Element ID’ is not found in the related table ‘Taxonomy element table’.
Label: usfr-pte_WeightedAverageNumberSharesOutstanding, usfr-pte_WeightedAverageNumberSharesOutstanding
The value ‘usfr-pte_WeightedAverageNumberSharesOutstanding’ in field ‘Element ID’ is not found in the related table ‘Taxonomy element table’.
The value ‘usfr-pte_WeightedAverageNumberSharesOutstanding’ in field ‘Element ID’ is not found in the related table ‘Taxonomy element table’.
Table Ledger journal table
Journal: PerJrn, journal batch number: 000084_010
The value ‘5637145042’ in field ‘Voucher series’ is not found in the related table ‘Number sequence code’.
Journal: PerJrn, journal batch number: 000085_010
The value ‘5637145042’ in field ‘Voucher series’ is not found in the related table ‘Number sequence code’.
Table Bank accounts
Bank account: CNY OPER, Bank of China Operating Account
The value ‘5637145895’ in field ‘Main account’ is not found in the related table ‘Dimension code combination’.
The bank account CNY OPER must enable the parameter Advanced bank reconciliation.
Table Bank deposit
Bank account: USA OPER, DS-00001
The value ‘5637144576’ in field ‘Record-ID’ is not found in the related table ‘Bank document table view’.
The value ‘11’ in field ‘Table ID’ is not found in the related table ‘Bank document table view’.
The value ‘5637144577’ in field ‘Record-ID’ is not found in the related table ‘Bank document table view’.
Table Bank transaction type
Bank transaction type: 01, Deposit
The value ‘5637145872’ in field ‘Main account’ is not found in the related table ‘Dimension code combination’.
Bank transaction type: 02, Deposit - Electronic
The value ‘5637145872’ in field ‘Main account’ is not found in the related table ‘Dimension code combination’.
Bank transaction type: 03, Checks - Printed
Sales order
Table Sales orders
Sales order: SO-100005, River Hotel
The value ‘5637144889’ in field ‘Dimension’ is not found in the related table ‘Dimension code set’.
A currency to convert to is required to retrieve exchange rate information.