re : creation of form & button

Hi all,

I have to create a form with three with number sequence from vendor table(vendor a/c number),name and vend group. these 3 fields. when I create new number sequence for the vendor which I fetch from the look form of vendor. and have to select vend group . I must disable the menu button in the vendor form. but when I click the button in vendor will generate a number sequence for vendor a/c, name, vend group filed have to be saved.

kindly suggest how to perform this task and urgent.

Can you please make it more clear?(if possible with screen shots)

In the first form,I have created a button.when I click this button it must create a number sequence for the Vendor Account, and name should be taken from the look up form and I have to enter the vend group to save it.

In the Next form,It must disable the new button which is in the toolbar. How to do it.

Thanks for your fast reply.

After creating the record set the allowCreate to false in create method of the form data source

yourDataSource_ds.allowCreate(false); (this should be after super call in create method)

yourDataSource_ds.allowCreate(false); (this should be after super call in create method)

its correct to disable and we did write a this. create inside the init method to create a number sequence without opening the new form.

thanks kranthi