Purchase Requirement based on min/max in AX


Please advice me on the setup of master planning of purchase requirement calculation based on min/max.



Set the coverage group on the item to one with a Min/Max. Set the item coverage settings on the item for the required min/max settings as per site/warehouse defpending upon your item coveragte setting on the dimension group.

Thanks for the reply.

I tried doing that but I am getting an error as follows:

‘Cannot create a record in Item inventory order settings (InventItemInventSetup). Item number: T00002, 00000002_80. The record already exists.’

This error am getting when I am trying to attach the second warehouse in the next line. It is allowing me to do settings for one warehouse but not more than one. I am trying to do it Site Specific Order Setting.

Please help

The item inventory order settings are NOT the item coverage group settings, you are in the wrong place.

Is there a document which specifies how to setup min/max for each warehouse?

There is obviously the Master Planning Manual.

If you go to Setup and Item Coverage it is there, site, warehouse, min/max etc

The item coverage defines the triggers. The order multiples define the modifier settings. One is the trigger, one is the smoother. So you can have different stocking levels per warehouse, minimum stock holding of 5, 10, 15 etc, however when the order is placed it can be rounded by a modifier from the default order/site settings, but this is not at a warehouse level, so you cannot say purchase a minimum of 5 for warehouse 1 and 25 for warehouse 2, this setting is site driven.