in AX 2009 ,I want to customise the PO lines details by adding Purchase Requestion date & time field from PurReqLine table ,
and im new to customisation .How i can start this customisation ?
in AX 2009 ,I want to customise the PO lines details by adding Purchase Requestion date & time field from PurReqLine table ,
and im new to customisation .How i can start this customisation ?
I have write this code but it give me error PurchReqline::find(purchLine.PurchReqId) >> The wrong number of arguments has been specified for the function.
Hi Kathrin,
The find method expects 2 parameters to be passed, you need to pass the line num as well if you want to find the record in line.
client server public static PurchReqLine find( PurchReqId _purchReqId,
**LineNum _lineNum**,
[boolean _forUpdate,
ConcurrencyModel _concurrencyModel]
Thank you Raghav I did following
1- add PurchReLine Table in PurchTable Form then created active relation type and join source is PurchLine.
2- Created method under PurchReqline as followign :
date initPRRequiredDate()
{ return PurchReqline::find(purchLine.PurchReqId,purchLine.LineNum).RequiredDate; )
3-Created new EditField under PO lines Grid and initPRreuiredDate to Datamethod property .
4-I set datasource to puchReqLine of new field
i got error Unknown source for data method initPRRequiredDate(). The method does not exist in the data source (or table).
Any idea on the way i did followed ?
I recive Error message while compiling
Add PurchReqLine as datasource to PurchTable form. Set the Join Source as PurchLine and LinkType as InnerJoin
From the PurchReqLine datasource drag the required field on the PurchTable form line grid.
Hi Rag.
I follow diffrent way , i customised PurchAutocreatePR_Purch Class ,then I add new field from puchReqLine to PuchLine in PR groub field.