Purchase Order Quantity Issue

Dear All,

I created and posted a purchase order to “Purchase Order” state in AX2009. Then I try to update purch line quantity of an item to 0. But I’m getting the standard AX error “Quantity cannot be reduced because the remaining update quantity changes sign.”

Please help me

Thanks & Regards,


Hi Arjun,

If i understand your question, you have created a PO and invoiced it. Now on the quantity tab, you are updating quantity.

If that is so, system is behaving correctly. There is no use of modifying quantity as entries are already generated.


Hi Pranav,

I haven’t posted purchase order invoice. Just posted to purchase order state. Then I’m updating quantity to 0. Then system throws error.



I guess, Packing slip or Inventory>Registration might have been done. Check the Inventory>Transactions for the POline, it must be “Ordered”, if so, you can change the quantities.

Check the line quantity figures and please explain how you are trying to update the quantity to 0 - delivery remainder?