Purchase order prepayment issue in AX 2012


I want to use AX 2012 purchase order prepayment function , but I am blocking by prepayment settle issue, following is my steps:

  1. Create a PO

  2. Post prepayment invoice

  3. Create a payment journal to settle prepayment invoice, when I click function , and trying to mark the prepayment records, I get below warning:

  • A prepayment cannot be settled with other prepayments or invoices. Ensure that prepayments are paid separately or that no prepayments are selected, and then try again.

I tried another way, I post the payment journal without settlment prepayment. Then, I go to vendor details > settle open transaction, I try to mark the prepayment and payment records and click the update, however, when I mark prepayment records, I got the same warning as above.

Does anyone know how to fix such problem? Thanks in advance.

Hi Keneth,

Do you have select/ mark those invoice in other open payment journal?

Invoice wich have been mark with other payment journal, cannot be mark again with new payment journal.


Do you make other prepayment invoice?

Far now, i knew that AX needs to settle prepayment invoice from the earlier prepayment invoice which you have made before.

Hi, maybe the other consultants knew about that. Is my thought right?

Best regards,
