Purchase order need to be re-confirmed


I’m using AX2012 R3 CU9.

I’m having an issue in PO that needs to be re-confirmed after receiving the item.


  1. Create a purchase requisition that passes thru approval workflow

  2. Once PR is approved, I created the PO under Procurement and Sourcing>>Common>>Purchase requisition>>Release approved purchase requisition

  3. Confirm the PO

  4. Receive the PO thru item arrival under Inventory>>Journals>>item arrival>>item arrival and generated product receipt

  5. When invoicing the PO, cannot invoice because the PO status become Approved and no longer confirmed.

Is this a bug? This happen on selected PO only.

We don’t have approval workflow in Purchase Order.

Please help.


What error you are getting? Any changes to the standard?

You could try using the compare purchase order feature to compare the current version of the PO to original version to see if something has in fact changed. If you use the compare feature and it shows that no changes have been made, then it is likely a bug. If there are changes to the PO, that is why it needs to be reconfirmed.

There are no changes made in the PO.