Purchase Order - Contact No. doesn´t change

Moin: When I change the vendor no. in a purchase order the contact no. in the order form remains the same e.g. it´s still the contact no. of the previous vendor. Is it a bug or a feature? Regards Alarich BTW: 36 centigrades here in northern Germany - whoopee!


Originally posted by Alarich
Moin: When I change the vendor no. in a purchase order the contact no. in the order form remains the same e.g. it´s still the contact no. of the previous vendor. Is it a bug or a feature?

You sure? Which version are you using? I’ve tried in NA 3.60-01 and it worked as expected (that is the Buy-from Contact No. changed along with Buy-from Vendor No., the Pay-to Contact No. changed accordingly with Pay-to Vendor No.) Anna

Anna: I am really shure. We are using version DE 3.60. But I found the reason for this. There is a lot of vendors in our database that don´t have an associated contact record. When changing the “By from Vendor No.” to such a vendor record NAVISION leaves the former “Buy-from Contact No.” untouched. Regards Alarich