Purchase All Requisitions


Navigation :::Procurement and Sourcing > Common> All Purchase Requisitions>

Based on ProjectId in PurchReqTableListPage form …I will show that project Id and Project Manager whenever the form automatically it will be shown in PurchaseRequisition Header Part.(without entering by manually)

Kindly help me,

Thanks & Regards,

YogaNanda Reddy.

You can add a display method for project manager. How to get project manager is already discussed here, https://dynamicsuser.net/ax/f/developers/96744/purchreqtable-to-dirpartytable-relations

Thank you

Those Relations are not working if possible send me that display code related to projectID and ProjectManager Name.

through display method, it’s working fine,(project ID and Project Manager simply showing in the purchreqtable form not storing data in purchreqTable)

I need to store the data in the table as well as the show in PurchreqTable form.

Please help me.

Thanks & Regards,


When the project Id is modifed, set the project manager field. (you can have your code in modifiedField method)

yes am not modifing the project…whenever we creating the new purchase requisitions by default that project will show in PurchReqTableForm(Header PArt for that ProjManager also)

while creating the projectid by default it will show there in header part as well as projmanager.please help me related that coding part.I am waiting for that answer.