production order and reservation report

i have a report which looks at the production order line table. i would also like to the have the report show the sales order. i asked about this in the end users forum a month or so back, but didnt get a full answer so i thought i would ask the experts! basically, the production order line does not carry the sales order number and is done through order tracking. from my understanding the link is in the reservation table. i can link the p.o to the res table but the sales order number is not on that appropiate line. i believe i would have to link it some via the tracking entries in there (the negative to the positive entries?) how would i go about doing this, or would it be be for NSC??

Hi mdma, What is your Source Type on the Production Order? If its Sales Header, then you have that Sales Order No. on the Production Order in the Source No. field. Otherwise you can get the link from Tracking Specification table or Reservation Entry table. Naveen Jain