problem with the Demo Installation

I am installing the Demo version of NAV 2009 in my computer, My OS is vista home edition and i dont have any password to login to my windows.

after the installation it came up with an error. the error is:

"Failed to connect to SQL Database (-2147467259 Demo Database NAV (6-0) )"

In the sql server, the demo database has not been installed. So I thought I would create a new database with NAV 2009 classic with SQL Server. But it doesn’t allow me to create one.

After choosing the server, when I write the DB name and click ok, it says:

"User ID and password is invalid"

Is there any solution for this?

N.B. I just have started my life with NAV and I have thousands of question that my books doesn’t answer.


What Authentication mode are you using?

You can check it from SQL Server Management Studion. Open SQL Server Management Studio>>Object Explorer >>Properties >>Security

and check if it is Windows or mixed mode.

If it is Mixed, then change it to Windows Authentication mode.

Also check if the user (with which you have logged-in) has sufficient rights to master database.

hi Dhan Raj Bansal

Thank you for the reply…the user i logged in didnt have sufficient rights.

I went to the sql server surface area configuration and add an administrator.

problem solved.

Glad to help.

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