Hi, We have create a Transport Module, and I need to send an e-mail to the receptionist and to the store to prepare the order. But on a few PC’s, Navision crash ? ? ! ! ? ? Here is the code to run the function Mail.MailTransport(AddExpMail,MsgSubject,FALSE,MsgBody,MsgCCName); The Variable Name DataType Subtype Length Mail Codeunit Mail Here is the function from the Mail CodeUnit MailTransport(ToName : Text[80];Subject : Text[260];OpenDialog : Boolean;Body : Text[260];CCName : Text[80]) MailSent : Boolean IF ISCLEAR(MAPIHandler) THEN CREATE(MAPIHandler); ErrorNo := 0; MAPIHandler.ToName := ToName; MAPIHandler.CCName := CCName; MAPIHandler.Subject := Subject; IF Body <> ‘’ THEN MAPIHandler.Body := Body; MAPIHandler.OpenDialog := OpenDialog; MailSent := MAPIHandler.Send; ErrorNo := MAPIHandler.ErrorStatus; The version for Outlook 2000 : W2000 : 5.00.2195 Navison : BE 3.01.B Have somebody and explanation or/and a solution ?? Thanks, Luc