Problem in Opening Form

hi all, i am currently working in ax 2012. i have to create a form similar to “Customer Creation”(DirPartyQuickCreateForm).

so what i did is i simple duplicated the DirPartyQuickCreateForm. but the thing is i dont need cust table . Instead of that i need my own table(table1) which has only 2 fields(id,Party). For the Party Field of table1 i ve given relation with DirPartyTable.i ve replaced all the custtable name with my own table name(in Methods of DirPartyQuickCreateForm)

the Problem is now i am unable to open the form… I am Getting error as “No such relatedRole based relation found.”. What Can i Do? how should i Proceed Further? can Anyone Suggest me Some Solution for this Problem?.

Hi Hari,

This should be an issue to do with relations ,You dont want to use DirPartyTable or u simply dont need it to be in the data source?.

You should avoid removing the DirPartyTable in the data source section of your form,instead just add the new table that you created and do the necessary changes .

hi sir,

i don want to remove DirParty Table rather i need to remove Cust Table.

if i remove cust table am unable to open the form.