Is it possible for totals normally founded in the footer section at the end of the report, to be printed in the header section.
they can’t be printed in the header of the same dataitem.
We have the totals of our orders print on the header of our picking tickets - so yes it is possible.
it is possible, but you need to run through all the records twice… the first by by code summing up the totals, and a second time to print them… it’s just a matter of execution time and coding. But it’s not simply “set the right property” and that’s it. Saludos Nils
One way is to create a flowfield (if possible) to sum the necessary lines. With this field you can show totals in the header using only a CALFIELDS.
It’s possible, but it requires doing the calculation before and keeping the value on a variable that’s the one printed, that’s why most people don’t have it. Depending on what thing you’re totalling it’s easier or harder to do (it’s easy put on the top the total for a sales order, but it’s harder to put the total for the inventory valuation, for example).