price * quantity is not true in blue line why

Hi guys i have problem in this report

in blue marks in four lines found in report

when i multiply price and quantity it give me wrong amount how i solve this problem

22 * 235=5170


but in report not like this why

this above done in one order but different documents

How i make report make true multiply true

Are you using any variable for deriving value of quantity * price ?

If yes then initialize the variables …

“Detailed Cust. Ledg. Entry2”.“Debit Amount” this value represent quantity * price

but not take from variable it if field but i don’t know how it take

1667.1.bmp (1.63 MB)

6825.2.bmp (1.66 MB)

0486.3.bmp (1.63 MB)

second picture for customer table on after get record trigger

Name DataType Subtype Length
CustLedgEntry Record Cust. Ledger Entry
PrintAmountsInLCY Boolean
PrintOnlyOnePerPage Boolean
ExcludeBalanceOnly Boolean
CustFilter Text 250
CustDateFilter Text 30
AmountCaption Text 30
RemainingAmtCaption Text 30
CustAmount Decimal
CustRemainAmount Decimal
CustBalanceLCY Decimal
CustCurrencyCode Code 10
CustEntryDueDate Date
StartBalanceLCY Decimal
StartBalAdjLCY Decimal
Correction Decimal
ApplicationRounding Decimal
CustLedgEntryExists Boolean
Q Decimal
a Code 10
d Text 50
text1 Text 50
companyinfo Record Company Information
Debitblance Decimal
Creditbalance Decimal
obd Decimal
obc Decimal
DtldCustLedgEntry Record Detailed Cust. Ledg. Entry
StartDate Date
PeriodStartDate Date
CustBalanceDueLCY Decimal
PrintCust Boolean
i Integer
TotalCustBalanceLCY Decimal
Total Decimal
debitbalancelcy Decimal
tot Decimal
ShowReturn Boolean

Is this standard report or customized report ?

Have you check value in detailed customer ledger entry debit amount field ??