Now I have a PO posting issue in Navision 3.01B The PO receipt was posted with negative qty a month before. Now when finance staff try to post invoice, the error message is as below due to the negative amount.Calc. Amount Included VAT on the PO is less than zero. “Amount must be negative in Gen. Journal Line Template Name=”,Journal Batch Name=",Line No=0 I am not sure how to deal with the issue. Diable the code in Codeunit 11 → RunCheck( ) → ErrorIfPositiveAmt( ) ? If so, any potenial problem? Or any other suggestion? Thanks in advance.
no ideas??
Hi I am not a developer (your disabling code question maybe answered in that forum) but are you saying you received in a negative amount and are now processing an invoice for the negative amount? So you sent goods back to teh supplier and they are charging you for it? I do not see how the invoice relates to the receipt. What version are you on? Can you undo the receipt or is it a valid return? In which case undo the receipt and use a purchase credit memo or return order.
Do you need to post a Purchase Credit Memo or whatever? To close the negative receipt you could add an invoice line on the same G/L account linked to the item, having same amount but positive quantity, and post the invoice. Then post the credit memo. Or invoice the negative receipt with other receipts in order to have a positive invoice … but … I don’t know your fiscal law … nor the invoice you are trying to post. Elena