Populating form details

Hi all.

I have a main form(member card), which has a sub form(member sports sub form). The link between the two works fine.

However, I need the subform to link to yet another table(sport) and pick its extra details(sport name, and sport membership fee).

Any ideas on how to achieve the above?

Thanks in advance.

Can you have a subform of a subform?

or a subform referencing two tables?

The short answer is yes, it is possible, and you can look on mibuso.com to download an example.

The long answer is, while possible, I don’t think its worth it. You have to write a bunch of custom code to accomplish this, and it doesn’t work like standard NAV so every user or dev that comes along is going to be annoyed by it as some point. Also, you have an alternative, that is usually just as good:

Design a form / subform. Have a menu button called Line with an option called Details. The details looks up to a list of records, with a subform.

This is much easier to implement and is much more “NAV”-y. Any summary information you need can probably be captured via flow fields.