Planned purchase order for 1 item with several dimentions


I’m sorry if I’m repeating this question but I couldn’t find the answer in the old posts.

I’m working with Master Planning (Axapta 4.0) and I have problems with planned purchase orders for those items with several dimention. A precise example is: Item A had 2 dimentions - 25kg package and bulk=1000 kg. I have defined item coverage for both dimentions but then in the item line i defined as Min. purchase quantity 1125kg which is valid for Item A (25 kg. packgage) and i would like to define 2000 for Item A (bulk) but I don’t know where.

When i run Master planning for this item i keep on getting the default min. purchase quantity inTotal for one dimention of course, but how about min. purchase quantity for the second dimention? is it possible to define it somewhere, so that i comes in planned purchase orders?

And one more question: I’m using min/max. item coverage groups and when I enter item coverager per item i always put one and the same amount form min. and for max. is that correct? what is the correlation between them?

Thanks in advance!

You cannot put a min/max on a dimension, it is an attribute, it could be Black, Sun, 1a, paper - literally anything. Whilst you have chosen to be weight this does not mean it plans by weight. If you set item coverage up on teh dimension group you can plan at this level but the default minimum relates to the stocking quanitty. In your example I would guess your base UOM is KG and hence the suggestion of 1125 with the minimum set to this and the order multiple presumably set to 25, but the dimensions are NOT impacting on the quantity ordered here, this is only the UOM that does this. If you dimension group is configured it would suggest 25kg and 1000kg as dimensions, but the quantity is not related to these directly, it is the stocking/purchase UOM.

Why are you using min/max and setting 1 for each value - makes no sense really so I would say no this is not correct, your maximum should be your maximum stock holding quantity - if it is 1 then there is no point in using the min/max policy.

Thank you for your reply! I will try to explain it further because I think there was a misunderstanding in what I mean.

When item line A has 2 dimentions i.e. package of 25 kg and bulk of 1000 kg then in the item coverage I define min/max. item coverage per dimention 25kg i.e. for example 250 kg (i.e. 10 packages) and min./max of 1000 kg for item A again with dimention 1000kg. i.e. 2 lines in item coverage. Then when I go on the item line and the window Other i define minimum order quantity for item A which is 1 pall = 45 packages x 25kg = 1125 kg. Then, when i run Master Planning and supposed the stock of those item is less than min/max defined i get a suggestion of ordering 1125 kg for both dimensions. And for Item A with dimention 1000 kg 1125 kg is not possible, because there we can order only 1000kg, 2000kg, 3000 kg. etc.

´´Why are you using min/max and setting 1 for each value ´´ - here i ment that I set one and the same number for min and max in item coverage, not literally 1 but min. quantity= max.quantity in item coverage - it is any number based on the average sales i.e. it will as well function as safety stock. So is it correct that min=max in item coverage? It´s just that my colleague meant that i can set min. = max. = X and i thought that max in item coverage is the total of min. in item coverage and max. purchase order quantity.

Why in the window Other per item line we can define Min, Max. and Standard purchase quantity if Master planning always takes Min. purchase quantity in the planned orders? what are the Max. and Standard purchase quantities used for?

By dimension you mean the config/size/colour (top half of the dimension group screen preAX2012?)

So you have a “size” dimension with 25kg specified - and the item coverage is ticked on the dimension group.

This is not relevant to the weight. this is an attribute. The demand balance will look at the stocking unit of measure AND dimension combination, but it will relate back to a stock UOM. The 250 you are defining in the minimum relates to teh stocking uom, as an example create a dimension called RED and set it the same and it will tell you 250kg.

I am assuming your 1000kg and 25kg are the same dimension - just different values and hence your two lines?If you have two lines in the item coverage then the minimum for 25kg is 1135 but the minimum for 1000kg is 1000 - why are you not setting this on the other tab of the second line?

If the min=max there is little point in using the min/max policy. You may as well have a period requirement with a coverage fence = 1 and a minimum set. The max is to order up to a maximum figure and the standard order is used as the default on manual entry, but this is not on the item coverage. Ultimately the other elements are order modifiers that can change the quantity calculated as suggested.

Ok, I kind of get it and still I don’t have the answer. It is the quantity required in Planned orders in MP that I want to change since it has to be 1125 for SK and 2000 (for example) for SS because this is an item with only 2 types of packing and how will it be if I have an item with 6 sizes and I want to specify different min. purchase quantity for the different size? Foe example - size M, L, X sell much more than SX and XXXL but when the quantity of SX and XXXL eventually gets to min. i will get the planned order with a higher number that\s valid for M, L, X. I hope i explain it well :slight_smile:

It does not work this way. The dimension does not impact on the quantity, it is just an attribute.

Whilst you can spcifiy a separate minimum to get the iniital suggestions of 1125 or 1000 for 25kg and 1000kg you cannot specify an order multiple by dimension - this functionality does not exist. The attribute should not impact on the base stocking UOM or the ordering metrics as a rule, you have used the attribute to do exactly this. The order modifiers, the minimumums, maximums and multiples are item specific or site specific, this means they are set based upon the item (without dimensions). You cannot get the multiples and planning to plan based upon these by dimension, you would need to modify/customise the system to achieve this.