Phys. Inventory journals - Items are missing

Hi All, We are having some 15,000 Lines in one company database. When we run “Function → Calculate Inventory(Tick-Selected for Items not on Inventory)”. I generated some 10,400 lines, Rest of the lines missing. What could be the reason. The Balance Missing Items are around 4,500. out of this Few are blocked, No stock, likethis. Any way to bring in all the records? Help me…

Items without ledger entries are excluded when the journal is created in report 790: IF NOT ItemLedgEntry.FIND(’-’) THEN CurrReport.BREAK; The fix looks like this: // FIX 990310 begin // IF NOT ItemLedgEntry.FIND(’-’) THEN // CurrReport.BREAK; IF NOT ItemLedgEntry.FIND(’-’) THEN BEGIN QuantityOnHandBuffer.INIT; QuantityOnHandBuffer.“Item No.” := Item.“No.”; QuantityOnHandBuffer.INSERT; CurrReport.BREAK; END; // FIX 990310 begin //Pelle

Hi, in the Integer “Data Item” - Integer - OnPreDataItem() - I have to modify the code inthis part…? Existing LedgEntryDim.SETRANGE(“Table ID”,DATABASE::“Item Ledger Entry”); IF NOT ItemLedgEntry.FIND(’-’) THEN CurrReport.BREAK ELSE BEGIN REPEAT TransferDim(ItemLedgEntry.“Entry No.”); UNTIL ItemLedgEntry.NEXT = 0; IF ItemLedgEntry.FIND(’-’) THEN; END; To be changed LedgEntryDim.SETRANGE(“Table ID”,DATABASE::“Item Ledger Entry”); //IF NOT ItemLedgEntry.FIND(’-’) THEN // CurrReport.BREAK IF NOT ItemLedgEntry.FIND(’-’) THEN BEGIN QuantityOnHandBuffer.INIT; QuantityOnHandBuffer.“Item No.” := Item.“No.”; QuantityOnHandBuffer.INSERT; CurrReport.BREAK; END ELSE BEGIN REPEAT TransferDim(ItemLedgEntry.“Entry No.”); UNTIL ItemLedgEntry.NEXT = 0; IF ItemLedgEntry.FIND(’-’) THEN; END; Correct…? In the mean time I will also try the same. Thansk for the help

Hi Pelle, Really Thanks for the it works well with the above code. Thanks a lot.