Permissions for table to use it in code

Hi, I have one problem with the rights. There is navision user who cannot access lets say table x but can access table y. When he tries to insert new record in the table y navision code in the triger OnInsert() has to access that table x(just for check). I tried to give indirect right for reading table x but it doesn’t work and user cannot insert new records in the table y. Does anybody has ideas about it ?

If you give the user the indirect right to read table x, you also need to give table y (direct!) read right to table x.


Originally posted by xorph
If you give the user the indirect right to read table x, you also need to give table y (direct!) read right to table x.

You’re right. In other words Set the permissions property for table y to acces table x.

That is not what he told you :wink: He was telling you to change the Navision User (Roles) rights. You just change permissions in a objects to acces an other objetc. Be careful with that!


Originally posted by eromein
That is not what he told you :wink: He was telling you to change the Navision User (Roles) rights.

Huh? Who, do you mean, did not tell what to whom? My exact wording was “…give table y…”. Nowhere did I mention a role’s rights. Marco correctly explained in a bit more detail that these permissions had to be set on the permissions property of table y.

sry about that! It was late, And I had some glasses of wine, this could have influenced my reading abbilities :wink: