Would anyone have any helpfull tips on entering payroll opening balances? I need to enter opening balances for one of our companies in Navision for the first time. I am not having any sucess. Nothing is balancing. Thank you. Nora
You can enter one large check for each employee with year to date information. Or you can enter 1 check for each employee for each quarter. Or you can enter every check this year for each employee. When you do this you must create a “dummy” posting group so everything will post to one GL account # and offset each other. The safest way to bring old data into Navision is to use Navision to post the data which then updates all the corresponding files correctly. Otherwise you may not update a file that is necessary, especially tricky in Payroll. Good Luck.
I don’t think you need to create a check for each employee, but you would have to enter all the starting balances through the payroll journal. Trying to create a check might throw your withholding, etc, off, because the system might assume that everyone made several tens of thousands of dollars during the current payroll period!