Payment Discount Tolerance Dates not working in Dynamics NAV?

I’m trying to setup a NAV 2009 R2 to use the Payment Discount Tolerance Dates, but no matter what I try then I cannot get it to work.

What I’ve done:

  1. Setup of the “Payment Discount Grace Period” in General Ledger Setup to 14D

  2. In cash receipt journal select a customer using Payment Discount and the amount received (invoice amount minus payment discount).

  3. Select apply customer entries.

Now I can see the invoice and the remaining amount, remaining payment discount and the payment discount tolerance date. But when I select to Apply the payment to the invoice, no payment discount is taken.

I have tried this both in Cronus NAV 2009 R2 and NAV 2013, same problem.

Hi Eric,

did you tried it without step 2?
So do not enter an amount and use Function - Apply Entries (Shift-F9) and set ther application ID with F9.

That should work.

Kind regards


Hello Walter,

Yes, I did try that also! In the Apply Entries no Payment Discount is taken based on the Payment Discount Tolerance Date, only on the regular Payment Discount Date. [:(]

So, does no further answers mean that nobody are using this functionality in NAV, or that I’m right and this functionality doesn’t work? [;)]

Erik, can you please check this link can be useful in some way? (I’ve been looking at it long time ago, so I apologize in advance if it’s useless, unfortunately I don’t have access to PartnerSource anymore and I bookmarked the page).

Another info: is Block Payment Tolerance field on Customer card maybe marked?