I’m trying to setup a NAV 2009 R2 to use the Payment Discount Tolerance Dates, but no matter what I try then I cannot get it to work.
What I’ve done:
Setup of the “Payment Discount Grace Period” in General Ledger Setup to 14D
In cash receipt journal select a customer using Payment Discount and the amount received (invoice amount minus payment discount).
Select apply customer entries.
Now I can see the invoice and the remaining amount, remaining payment discount and the payment discount tolerance date. But when I select to Apply the payment to the invoice, no payment discount is taken.
I have tried this both in Cronus NAV 2009 R2 and NAV 2013, same problem.
Yes, I did try that also! In the Apply Entries no Payment Discount is taken based on the Payment Discount Tolerance Date, only on the regular Payment Discount Date. [:(]
Erik, can you please check this link can be useful in some way? (I’ve been looking at it long time ago, so I apologize in advance if it’s useless, unfortunately I don’t have access to PartnerSource anymore and I bookmarked the page).
Another info: is Block Payment Tolerance field on Customer card maybe marked?