paste from clipboard to dialogue box?

Hello; Is it possible to paste text into a Navision dialogue box from another application? Here is what I am doing: WITH URLDialog DO BEGIN // Capture the URL CLEAR(UserURL); OPEN(‘URL #1##################################’, UserURL); INPUT; CLOSE; END; So far, nothing happens when I hit CNTRL-V. Many thanks, Brian.

No, this is not possible. You could explore it a little further, by right clicking your mouse in the field. You will see the cut, copy and paste functions, but when using them i guess you will crash Navision and get this error message:

Runtime Error!

Program: fin.exe

- pure virtual function call

Don’t know any workaround… Soren Nielsen, moderator Integration/Developer NOLUG

The INPUT statement is wrong in your code: You have to say which field should be imported and where the value should be placed. Thus:


Here another example which leads even further: You need the user enters some parameters but you don’t want to create a form for it: Let’s ask for three dates within our codeunit:

  window : Dialog;
  BookingDate : Date;
  DocumentDate : Date;
  DeliveryDate : Date;
  EntryNo : Integer;
  NewEntryNo : Integer; ('Booking Date #1#########\'+
'Dok. Date #2#########\'+
'Shipment Date #3#########',

  EntryNo := 0;
  NewEntryNo := 1;
  While (NewEntryNo > 0) and 
        (EntryNo <> NewEntryNo) do begin
    EntryNo := NewEntryNo;
    Case EntryNo of
      1 : NewEntryNo := 
      2 : NewEntryNo := 
      3 : NewEntryNo := 
  if NewEntryNo = 0 then 

… continue code … Explanation: This routine allows the user to use the up/down- arrows and (Shift-)Tab to move between the fields. Function window.input returns the number of the next Entry Field if the user uses an arrow or tab. It returns 0 if the user presses ESC and the same fieldnumber if the user presses ENTER. ------- With best regards from Switzerland Marcus Fabian

Maybe :slight_smile: … the code works just fine as Briana wrote it. But does this solve the copy/paste issue? I guess: NOT. Soren Nielsen, moderator Integration/Developer NOLUG