Partialy shipped return orders

Hello, I have some partialy shipped returned orders. Is there a ‘clean’ way to delete them. I don’t want to post it Any suggestions? [|)]

If you have 3.60 or later the cancellation of shipment-lines is a standard function. With cancelled shipments you can delete the original order. In older versions … with some changes in the posting-routines it is possible to post a negative shipment. This way you also would reset your order to zero shipments and thus can delete it. The posted shipments should be marked in a way as “cancelled” (and “cancelled by”) - so that they are not further used for any kind of invoicing.

As far as I know, you can just delete (F4) the Return Order as long as everything shipped has been invoiced?

I realize I did not ask the right question I have some purchase return orders that are partialy invoiced with for instance 2 Posted return shipment So On purchase order Qty = 30 and QTY invoiced 2 P.return ship 1 QTY = 25 (invoiced 2) P.return ship 2 QTY = 5 (invoiced 0) They posted it before receiving credit notes (they never received it) and now they want to delete the purchase return order. For the fun there are tracking lines for these items and errors in the Lot No. [:p]Fun[:p]

Bottom line is that you have to “Invoice” the lines that are shipped (The Inventory adjustment routines will thank you later [;)]). The best option is to set the Price to 0 and post the Invoices. The costs will get corrected when the periodics are run.