Page not taking second field

Hi to all,

Does anyone know why RTC doesnot take second line of the field section when designing the pages in RTC.

I tried many time but it dont display the second field in pages but it is there in the page designer.

Please suggest!


Sangam Shrestha

Hi Sangam :-),

are you designing the Page from scratch? or using Transformation Tool from an existent Form? (I would recommend the second option. If your Forms are designed with Best Practices, Transformation Tool works quite well)

Are you using Container and Groups to put some fields together?

For example, it’s important that if it’s a List Form, you have a Group Repeater.

This example will not show the 2 fields correctly (only first value of first field):

Container ContentArea
<Código> Field Code
Field Name

But this one will do it OK:

Container ContentArea
Group Repeater
<Código> Field Code
Field Name

If this is not the problem…could you please copy and paste here the design of the Page in order to understand better your problem?
