Good Afternoon everybody,
I have imported some data using dataport in customer table.
When i select customer No. getting message
Overflow under type conversion of Text to Text
Anyone knows abt this.
Good Afternoon everybody,
I have imported some data using dataport in customer table.
When i select customer No. getting message
Overflow under type conversion of Text to Text
Anyone knows abt this.
This message tells you that you are copying data into a variable that cannot hold all the text. For example a variable NAME that can hold 30 characters might be filled with a name that has 32 characters. BUT: never change field length in standard navision fields. That might lead to implications later! Try to import the long fields in newly created fields and handle later.
If you know where this overflow happens, you could use the trigger
MyTextField - OnBeforeEvaluateField(VAR Text : Text[1024])
to truncate the imported value if necessary, e.g. Text := COPYSTR(Text,1,30);
Just as a general principle, I always use variables for each field to be imported.
Then you can do the tests for length and so on before INSERT into the target table. Lets you check to see if the record exists first and then do conditional adding or updating.
The text variables can be 100 with checking for the target field. This means you are not concerned about the incoming data, just convert it for the navision table.