Overdelivery of line is xx percent, but allowed overdelivery is only 0.00 percent


My user is running into the error in AX 2009 “Overdelivery of line is xx percent, but allowed overdelivery is only 0.00 percent” while posting packing slip.

Here are the things I have done to resolve the issue:

· Ensured that Accounts Receivable parameter is set to accept over and under delivery

· Changed the specific items configuration to allow over delivery up to 20%

AX is still stopping packing slip update and I believe the AX business logic is not taking into consideration of item configuration change effect after the transaction is generated.

Can someone suggest what can be done to resolve this?


Look at what Overdelivery is set at on the Delivery tab of the order lines. Its populated at the time of order entry so if you updated it on the item afterwards, it is still set at 0 on the order line.

Thanks a lot Michelle. That worked perfectly.

Thank you!