Did anybody get this error before? “Database on server cannot be accessed by the current version of NF. Perform a NF backup of the database with your previous version of NF and then restore it with the new version.”
You get that error when opening a version of a Navision database that is different to the program version that the database was created with. If you have recently upgraded to a new version then this could be the problem if your client software wasnt upgraded on that PC, or perhaps you have a copy that you used as a demonstration version which is older than the database you are using. Craig Bradney Project Manager - Technical Navision Solutions & Services Deloitte Growth Solutions Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu P:+61-2-9322-7796 F:+61-2-9322-7502 E:craig_bradney@deloitte.com.au
You Get this error when you open an SQL Database with 2.60c (or a or b) after somebody has opened it with 2.60d. You can either backup and restore the database or upgrade all of the clients to 2.60d.
Andy : Report this problem to your NSC ASAP! Your database seems to have been converted to a newer version that your Navision client cannot handle. PS : Maybe you’ve been upgraded recently and your Navision client has not … ? tarek_demiati@ureach.com