OnInsert doesn't start

Can anyone help me, where the reasons might be, that the OnInsert-trigger does not fire? When a client tries to insert a new customer, the automatically numbering does not start (the settings are correct - Default No., etc.). This starts, as he told me, suddenly. Michael

Hi Michael! [?] Have you modified the Code in OnInsert-Trigger of the table? Or have you added any code in OnInsertRecord of the Customer-Card? What happens if you try to insert, e.g. F3 and ENTER? Any ERROR-Messages? Have you checked this with the Debugger? … [?]
Possible Reasons:- Wrong code in OnInsert-Triggers (Table or Form)

  • Wrong code in Codeunit 396
  • Wrong configuration of NoSeries

  • If your client tells you, that “this starts suddenly”, i suppose that your client has “damaged” the NoSeries-Config … Regards, Jörg

Do you insert the customer via you own code, not via a form with SourceTable=Customer? If that is the case you have to write something like: 1. Customer.Validate(“No.”,’’); //blank will trigger the No.Series 2. Customer.Insert(TRUE); //the parameter is default FALSE (=do not fire OnInsert)

I am using the standard-form for insertung customers and the NoSeries seems to be all right. Michael


and the NoSeries seems to be all right

Could you post the NoSeries-Settings here? Or give a Screenshot? Maybe you have missed something and sometimes 4 eyes (in this case a few hundred eyes [:D]) see more than 2 … [;)] If everything (Table “Debitor”, Form “Debitorenkarte” and Codeunit “NrSerienVerwaltung”) is Standard it has to work! … Except your client has fiddled with the NoSeries-Config … Regards, Jörg

Sorry, but I don’t know how to post a screenschot. I have checked again the form and table - standard. Here are the settings: Code DEB, Beschreibung Debitor, Startdatum 01.01.2000, Startnr. D20000, Endnr. D29999, Letztes Datum verwendet 07.10.2002, Letzte Nr. verwendet D20682, Warnungsnr. ,Erhöhung um Nr. 1, Vorgabenr. Ja, Manuelle Nr. Ja, Chronologisch Nein, and the Series: Serien Code DEB, Startdatum 01.01.2000, Startnr. D20000, Endnr. D29999, Letztes Datum verwendet 07.10.2002, Letzte Nr. verwendet D20682, Warnungsnr. ,Erhöhung um Nr. 1, Offen Ja,

Michael, perhaps a silly question and you already have checked it with the customer: Do you have any filters on the customer card? The “OnInsert-trigger is not working effect” might be a result of a filter on the customer card. E.g. a filter ‘DEB’ on the field GenPostGrp on the customer card. Pressing F3 and Enter will insert a new record but the record will not be displayed because it does not match the filter. Reagrds Walter

After loading the customercard-form from the demo-database and the one from the client into a text-editor and doing a synchronized scrolling down, I found that the property Delayedinsert was set to YES, who has done this and why, I don’t know. But thanks for your hints. Michael