Hi, I have a form, what I want to do is when I close my form, is to call/run a Report. But when I do, example : REPORT.RUN(REPORT::“Refresh Planning Demand”,TRUE,FALSE,rec); it does not open … it closes the form and does not run my report How do I do this ?
Don’t use OnCloseForm, but OnQueryCloseForm. Regards,
Damn, Alfonso beat me to it. [xx(] Correct - use OnQueryCloseForm. [;)]
well sorry to tell you guys, but it doesnt work … Maybe I am doing something wrong … The thing is, when I run it as RunModal, it works but the other form stays, but I want it to be close
Try this REPORT.RUNMODAL(REPORT::“Refresh Planning Demand”,TRUE,FALSE,rec);
Originally posted by azoghaib
well sorry to tell you guys, but it doesnt work … Maybe I am doing something wrong … The thing is, when I run it as RunModal, it works but the other form stays, but I want it to be close
OnQueryClose … REPORT.RUNMODAL(REPORT::“Myreport”,…); … EXIT (TRUE); If you don’t exit true, by default the function returns false, so the form doesn’t close. Regards,
Hi Andre, OnQueryCloseform Trigger of the Form use Report.RUMMODAL(REPORT::“Refresh Planning Demand”,TRUE,FALSE,rec);
can you tell me the difference between report.run and report.runmodal? i read the help file but didn’t catch it.
Originally posted by gillie.gn
can you tell me the difference between report.run and report.runmodal? i read the help file but didn’t catch it.
With Report.RUN the following code continues to run without waiting for the report to finish it’s execution. When using Report.RUNMODAL the following code will not be run until the report has finish it’s execution.