Hello everybody ! I have some problems and so, some questions about the integration of Navision and OCX. We tried to do our own OCX for the communication. Do we have to insert the OCX in each computer ? Do we have to compile this OCX under the same environment that the one in which it will work ? Thank you for your answer, Regards, Murielle.

Yes, your OCX must be registered on every clients. tarek_demiati@ureach.com

Compile your program on any PC. Once the compilation is finished and the *.OCX file has been generated you can use this one without recompiling for every machine you just need to register it within Navision (Tools/Custom Control) or by using the regsvr32 command line tarek_demiati@ureach.com

When I ty to register the *.OCX with Navision, the system shows me this message “Impossible to load OLE control” and when I use “Regsvr32”, I have “LoadLibrary (name of ocx) failed GetLastError returns 0X00000485”. I have different operating systems : Win95, 2000, millenium, Win98. This OCX is created under Borland C++ Builder and Win98 (2nd version). It’s works with Win98 (2nd version) and it shows me these messages under the other. Thanks a lot Regards, Murielle M.

Not all OCXes can be registered in Navision, Only “Non Visual” OCXes can be registered in Navision. Sorry I can’t help concerning the error you’re getting on Win 95 and Win98 (1st version). If the problem would have occured on one machine only I might have said screwed windows registeries but now to be honest I’m out of inspiration, sorry … On which Win Platform the OCX has been developed ? Also check your compiler’s options, there are a lots of parameters that can be set , those can have an effect on the OCX generated. tarek_demiati@ureach.com

This may help you with your problems on the different OS. http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/q223/0/28.asp best wishes Marco

Thank you for your help but I’m afraid, I have always the problem. Our platform that the OCX has been developed is a WIN98 2nd version. We think that it’s a .DLL problem or somethink like that. Regards, Murielle M.

Does anyone know where I can get hold of the source code for any OCXes that interact with Navision?

You will find what you want on the Navision CD, in the COCX folder you will find Visual C++ source code which demonstrate a simple OCX implemenation tarek_demiati@ureach.com

Hi all This is just a small comment on how to analyze an OCX/ActiveX object. If you have problems registering your ocx, it might be because your system is missing one of the dll’s needed by the ocx. This is a common problem when trying to register ActiveX objects. It you want to check your ocx, the solution is to use the utility “Dependency Walker” shipped along with Visual C++ or similar packages. This tool allows you to monitor which dll’s and components your ocx requires. If a dll is missing an error symbol is supplied. I have found the “Dependency Walker” on the Internet for download. The address is ftp://ftp.rtsnet.ru/pub/support/plaza/Depends/ Remember to download all files in the directory. Just a small hint. Regards Andreas L.

Hello I mised 2 .DLL that I finally found thanks to this program (Dependency Walker). And it works !!! Thanks to everybody Murielle M.