Number Sequence

Hi All,

When am creating an number sequence in organisation and adminstration>NumberSequence>NumberSequence

once the procedure of creating number seq is done as mentioned below by me and despite couldn’t able to generate an auto generated number seq at General journal level while am trying to post the adjustment entries so please correct me if am wrong in below steps and Help me!

New Number Seq>Identification>Number seq Name>Number seq Code

Scope Parameters>Scope>changed to company

Segment >Company(4) Format(3) Alpha Numeric(5)

General> has mentioned Smallest : 1 Largest :99999(5) next 1 and selected continuous tab


So if the above steps are correct then while we start posting the adjustment entries in GJ the number seq should start with company name followed by 0001 and next comapny name 0002,but when am trying to post the GJ adjustment entries i could see the error of company name 0000 inspie of 0001.

Note : the alphanumeric and largest is an combination of 10.


Can you post the screen shot.



Please find the screen shot and do the needful.


Please post related Number Sequence Form screen shot.


Hello Prabhu,

Thanks for your Assistance and it has been solved it was due to some development issue.

Sundeep Sagar.