Number Sequence Error - AX 2012

Hi All,

While creating number sequence in Item Arrival Journal, I am getting following error. Please help on this. (System allow 10 characters but I need 12)

2158.No sequence.jpg



the error indicates that there is already a number sequence id tagged to the reference Item arrival Journal. You can delete that and attach this new number sequence to the reference.

  • Elmer

Hi Elmer,

Thank you for your reply. I have created new company and all number sequences are newly generated. Even I give ten and below 10 characters system is allowing without any error. but as per my client format I required 12 characters.



Hi Elmer,

The problem is that your number sequence will attempt to create a Journal Id which is 12 characters long, and the field for this value (WMSJournalTable.JournalID) only has room for ten characters.

You will need to extend the size of this field if you really need a 12 character journal id.

Sorry, re-reading, you appear to already realise this.

It should be as simple as extending the number of characters in the Extended Data Type ‘WMSJournalId’, but obviously do this in a test environment first!