null values

Hi all,
is it possible to compare to “null”-values? E.g. i have a class and want to check something like

if (!someClass.Property() is null)
    // etc.

Thanks in advance!


There is no “is” operator in AX4. But you can simply use

if (someClass.Property() != null)

if Property() returns an X++ reference type. In case of CLR types, take a look at CLRInterop::isNull(), if it does exist in AX4.

BTW “is” operator in AX2012 or C# is used for checking types (e.g. foo is RunBase), not values.

Fine, that works.

BTW “is” operator in AX2012 or C# is used for checking types (e.g. foo is RunBase), not values.
Of course you are right (too much languages in the last months ;))
