Hi all! I need to know how I can receive more items than actually ordered without changing the original quantity. I need to be able to keep track of quantity receive and I dont want to change original quantity. Please advice on how to handle that process. Thanks RF
Hi What about this: Create a second line with the surplus quantity. bye André PS Please don’t post your questions twice.
Originally posted by rosine
Hi all! I need to know how I can receive more items than actually ordered without changing the original quantity. I need to be able to keep track of quantity receive and I dont want to change original quantity. Please advice on how to handle that process. Thanks RF
In NM 2.60 I used a workaround which might be silly, but pleased my customer. On table 39, I added a “Original Quantity” field and put it out on form 54, in the place where Quantity would be shown, in the VALIDATE trigger of the abovesaid field I put some code like: Quantity := “Original Quantity”; So that, when the purchaser enters or modifies the quantity he wants to purchase, the “real” Quantity is properly evaluated (actually there’s a little more code to write, but I’m trying to explane the general idea) In the VALIDATE trigger of the “Quantity to Receive”, I put some code like: IF ABS(“Quantity to Receive”) > ABS(Quantity - “Quantity Received”) THEN Quantity := “Quantity to Receive” + “Quantity Received”; The “Original Quantity” do not change, but Navision rules are respected. I still have to face the problem of how to reproduce this in NA 3.60. I guess WMS will get in the way. [B)] Anna
I’m not sure why you would not want to change the original qty. Unless you recieved an over ship and you want to be hush hush about it. If it’s additional free merchandise a second line on the PO with cost zero works. The other way would simply use the Item Journal to add the addition merchandise. You could always type in the descritpion “Extra Merch from PO#XXXXXXX”. This way when you drill down on your Qty On Hand you’ll see where the additional merch came from. …Just a thought
Savatage, We had the same need for the customer within their NAD 2.6 database. The issue was that they wanted to really manage their vendor’s performance versus what they asked for. We also added an additional field very similar to what Anna dictated. In addition to this, the customer also wanted to be able to “under receive”, close the PO, and still be able to track the vendor’s performance.
Originally posted by Muzzy Dawg
Savatage, In addition to this, the customer also wanted to be able to “under receive”, close the PO, and still be able to track the vendor’s performance.
Mine too! That was easier. I added a boolean field to the Purchase Line, which the users could turn on when they didn’t want to receive anything more. The line with the “Closed Flag” on were excluded from everything showing/calculating Quantity/Value to be received. [:)] Anna
So Bill, How did you handle both situations ( Over receive and Under receive)because for Our Customer It is also a problem of manage vendor’s performance versus what they asked for. Thanks RF
We had a customer that needed very specific “action” points so that there could be no mistaking their desires. We created both under-receive and over receive fields. We then created separate buttons for Over and Under Receiving. When the customer chose one of these, it prompted the user to enter the amount to receive in. Based on the choice of under vs over receiving, that amount was placed in the original field at the line level. We also created a “Closed” boolean field (just like Anna did) at the end of the line to indicate whether or not their would be any more receipts to the line. Once the receipt was processed, the system would check to see if the Amount received equaled the orginal PO amount. If there was a difference it would check to see if there was anything in the over or under receive fields. If so, then the amount in those would go out to a variance account to be reconciled later. From a reporting standpoint, we were able then create reports that could check the actual status of the receipts versus what we originally ordered and then process this information into some valid metrics for managing the effectiveness of the vendor. We really had to do a lot of “whiteboard” layouts for this…especially since we were dealing with multiple locations and a customer who didn’t quite know whether it was a manufacturer or a distributor. All in all, it turned out well, but once you get going on creating metrics, there always seems to something else that the client needs. I’m sorry I’m a bit vague on this, but we did this a year ago and I’m not a developer, so getting any code to you would be extremely difficult.
Thanks Bill. It helps a lot. RF