Navision memo fields

Is it possible to create memo field functionality in Navision attain. Is so how is this possible.

Hi Mike, Four years of asking MBS/Navision for memo field functionality and still no answer…[:(] I don’t believe that this is possible in Attain alone. Where I have heard of people creating a resolution for this, it has involved integrating an outside solution or package into Navision such as a Delphi or Access database, or calling files external to Navision…messy[}:)] Good luck with finding a solution - Let us know if you do!

Hi! I’m not sure if I understand your problem … [?] but we use Memo-Fields like this: // The Memo is stored in Record "Reklamationszeile" Field "Memo" (Type BLOB, SubType Memo) TempDateiName := STRSUBSTNO('C:\TEMP\~%1_%2_MEMO.tmp', "Reklamationsnr.", "Zeilennr."); CALCFIELDS(Memo); IF Memo.HASVALUE THEN Memo.EXPORT(TempDateiName, FALSE) ELSE BEGIN TempDatei.CREATE(TempDateiName); YIELD; TempDatei.CLOSE; END; YIELD; ReturnValue := SHELL(STRSUBSTNO('notepad.exe %1', TempDateiName)); YIELD; IF EXISTS(TempDateiName) THEN BEGIN Memo.IMPORT(TempDateiName, FALSE); MODIFY; YIELD; ERASE(TempDateiName); YIELD; END ELSE BEGIN CLEAR(Memo); MODIFY; END;

Hi Joerg, Thanks for this - Please could you let me know what the variable ‘TempDatei’ is? Cheers

Here are the used variables: Name DataType Subtype Length TempDateiName Text 250 TempDatei File ReturnValue Integer The code is Triggered in “OnPush” of a Form-Picturebox (SourceTable “Reklamationszeile”, SourceExpression “Memo.HASVALUE”, BitmapList “7,6” (that’s to show different images like on Remark(?)-Buttons of e.g. “Customer Card”, so there is also a “CALCFIELDS(Memo);” in “OnAfterGetRecord”)) Best regards, Jörg

stryk Thanks for the reply. This is essentially what I want. However, itstead of notepad being the editor I would like a little ocx where I could write text and this would be saved to Navision in a blob field. Are you aware of any ocxs or dlls like that. Thanks Mike

Hi Mike!


Are you aware of any ocxs or dlls like that

Sorry, I have no idea where to get those OCX or DLL … I allways try to avoid the use of “OCX” or “Automation”, because these “features” have to be installed on all Clients that will work with it … so I prefer using “On-Board-Tools”, e.g. in that “Memo”-Case “Notepad”, which is surely intslled on every PC. Best Regards, Jörg