Navision Developer?

I think lot of navision developers would have this question in their minds too that ’ i neither have accounting knowledge nor navision funtionality knowledge , i have only C/SIDE knowledge and other stuff, am i still a good navision developer?’

It not only depends on this.

Other questions are also important:

  1. Are you a good programmer with other languages?

  2. Do you learn easily (meaning that after explaining something once or twice you know it and don’t forget it)?

Probabably there will also other questions. And the answers to those questions are not even a rule but just some indication.

If you don’t know the fucntionality (PS Neither do I have accounting knowledge:the only thing I know is that the total of all accounts must be 0 and my colleagues consider me a top-Navision-developer), best is to put you together with someone who knows this and in time you will learn (see question 2).

To be a good NAV Developer, then an undertsanding of the functionality on the focus area is extremely important. E.g when coming up with a Budget vs Expenses Spread /period then you need to know which fields to use e.g. Budgeted Amount or Budget at Date… and so on… anything less and you are likely to have bad customisations…

I believe the understanding of flow of data for tables, the flow of posting routines and the basic idea of every granulle is very important.

Understanding setup is also important. For example, location table has a lot of setup that influence how you ship sales orders and how you will handle orders in warehouse management.

knowing all the fields in Navision is insane, but you should know the Master tables, and major order entry table.