Navision Application Server

hi all. what is this for? you can find all the documentation inside the product cd, but in simply words, NAS is a service that acts as a NA client and uses the function with id 99 inside codeunit 1 AppManagement. NAS manual says that we (navision developers) have to develop this function in codeunit 1 to make NAS act as we want. this means, if we want NAS to send mails every 30 minutes, in this function we can create a local variable pointing to codeunit 397 and then use this local variable to send the mails. it is thought to launch batch procceses (automatic invoicing, stock calculations,…) or procceses that take a long time to go. i’m working on checking if it could work with navision financials databases (2.60, 2.50, 2.01 and 2.0) but i think it won’t work :frowning: see you all. regards.