Navision and RAM-Disc

Is there anybody using a RAM-Disc with Navision ? What type of disk ? What is about datasize of 10 GByte ? Partitioning ? Speed ?

Hi guys, really no one using navision with RAM-Disk ??

We made several test and benchmarks on an IBM-SAN 1 year ago. Nothing else but Navision (that time Financials 3.6) was using the SAN. Database size was 6GB, 80% used. We figured out that, after several hours of testing, the SAN have had the database full in its cache. It was fast, fast, fast. I think one of our technicians still has the test results. Switching off the client machines while proccessing large jobg does not matter. The same with the Navision Server. No harm to the database. Killing the Servertask under AIX does not harm the database either; but the restart of the process was not possible. We had had to reinstall the server under AIX. Kind regrads Walter