Navision 5.0 sp 1 ER Schema


where could I find a ER schema of Navision version 5.0 sp1?

I downloaded NaviToolsER DBDesigner Sample Pro v1.0, but it seems about the 4.0, doesn’t it?

It`s the same as with a “smart blonde” - rumours say they exist, but actually noone has seen them [;)]

If seriously, such document really doesnt exist from **official** source. You can find something in the net, but these all are efforts from different NAV people to easy the coding... As there are about 600 tables in NAV, noone actually needs **complete** schema - only that application area where you do your current development, and even then you can success without actual ER knowledge - use built-in functions and dont bother which tables are actually involved. Such approach guarantees that your code will work in future versions, where the underlying tables structure might be changed …