Navision 2.00 on MF 1.8

Hi! Ist ist possible to run Navision Financials 2.00 on a Citrix Server? I tried the following command line to launch the client: \\client\fin id=%username%, nettype=tcp, temppath=%temp%, servername=wallstreet If I execute this Batch Navision shows me the error message “The File \\client\fin.hmt already exists.” What can I do? Thanks Best regards Sven Sauer Edited by - svens on 10/25/00 1:56:17 PM

Hello SvenS I use the start command C:\NF2\FIN.EXE nettype=tcp,servername=masten,id=%username%,temppath=%temp% It works for some reason Pelle L

By teh way, your start command includes an IP address, as if you are running a program on an other computer. Didn’t you install the NF program on the Citrix server? Pelle L

Hi First I tested with batch files, which are not on the local hard drive of the citrix server. I started these files over the network and saw the “…fin.hmt…” error message(show above). Now I installed the NF Client on the Citrix Server. I have created four batch files, one for each user, wich are launched from the citrix client automatically at login. Now I have a new Problem: i can’t launch more than one citrix clients without problems. sometimes two or more clients work without errors and five minutes later, in a new test, only one client can start the citrix session. i’ve no idea, because I see no NF error. the only thing i can say is, that i now have only citrix errors. (but citrix is well configured) Edited by - svens on 10/26/00 1:49:32 PM

Are you following the special procedure specified for installing programs on a terminal server? That is through Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs?

hi! yes, I did so. maybe the problem was that we used a cluster of two machines.

Try using the id=%username% parameter. That should correct any .zup file problems when many user are loggin onto the same client. Best regards, Emil MCSE, CCA

What Citrix errors do you get? Regards Fredrik

HI! Now we use only one machine with the win2k terminal service. This works fine without any problems.

In order to succesfully install Navision on a Citrix server, you need to make sure that the server is in install mode. (Use control panel Add Programs or change user /install) Each user needs their own zup and tempfile directory.

The actual problem you describes is actually pretty simple. Here is a cut from a danish support site. First in Danish: ------- Spørgsmål Hvad betyder fejlmeddelelsen “Filen Fin.hmt findes i forvejen”? Svar Navision Financials anvender filen Fin.hmt som et indeks til hjælpeteksten for at holde styr på ændringer i hjælpefilerne. Filen genereres første gang Navision Financials startes og regeneres første gang du starter Navision Financials efter hjælpefilerne er blevet ændret. Checket udføres ved at placere tidsstempler for hver hjælpefil i hmt filen. Når en computer som starter Navision Financials anvender en tidszone forskellig fra den, der blev anvendt af computeren, som genererede hmt. filen, vil tidsstemplerne ikke stemme overens, hvilket medfører, at hmt. filen vil blive gendannet. Dette kan dog føre til “sharing violations”, hvis hmt. filen er i brug på den computer, som først dannede hmt. filen. For at undgå denne fejl, skal alle computere have samme tidszone indstilling og de skal alle være identiske med hensyn til valg af “Automatisk skift til sommertid” ------- Now I would have given the english version after a translation by but it were so crappy i won’t wast your time with it. Here is in short how to solve it: Every client needs to be in the same timezone, and have the same setting for “Automaticly change to summertime”. Please note that in this case is the citrix server the client. Haven’t got more time, but since this forum is filled with Danes i guess somebody will translate it further if you need it. :slight_smile:

Ok, here’s what worked for us: We have a remote office connecting to Navision Financials using Citrix XP. They are in a different timezone than where the Navision and Citrix servers are. The error with “fin.hmt” didn’t come up until our Citrix clients in our timezone tried to run Navision. How we got around it was re-installing Navision into a different directory (ie, n:\Program Files\LocalTime\Navision) and published the new application for users that ran Navision in the local timezone. This eliminated the need to change the timezone on the PC to match the PCs at our remote office.