NAV Directions/2008

Have any vendors gone to this show two years running? What is the visibility for a third party NAV vendor?

Visit and check out the sponsor/ISV/exhibitor packages. I don’t know if you’ll still be able to get in, but worth a try.

I would say that Directions USA will get you the best exposure for NAV products possible. If you have an Addon that you want the NAV vendors to see, then for sure its the right place to be. The big thing is the last night, the party is held right in the Display hall, and its small enough that you will meet everyone.

I definitely recommned it. [Y]

Just one thing Make sure you have something to show, and make sure you have technical people that can show it. Don’t go there with a bunch of marketing people, because the people there are going to hit you with the real technical questions. The old fall back of “I will have our technical people contact you” just wont cut the grade at Directions.

Thanks…eBRIDGE will be there in some capacity…especially at the partay