NAV 5.0 Restore Message -- You cannot redesign linked objects

I am restoring NAV 5.0 onto a laptop with SQL Server 2008 Express so I can work on a project while traveling. The database I have is 45GB and so I am only restoring one test company from the 5 in the database. At a certain point in the restore process I get the following message (I am unsure where because NAV goes into “Not responding” mode and doesn’t show the progress):

The session (SQL) table references a SQL Server object. You cannot redesign linked objects.

This happens with the full backup and the common data and application objects restore. What can I do to get past this message.

Any help would be appreciated.

Yes Linked table obejcts refer to existing objects on SQL Server, in this case a view. You’ll need to create the view before restoring the backup.

Go to your production database, open the ‘views’ node, and find the one called “Session (SQL)”. Right click that view and select Script view as Create to new query editor. Copy that script and execute it against the database on your laptop. Make sure that it has the right database name in it.

Thanks for the information. It was indeed a missing view. I did find one thing out though, my NAV restore file still would not work even though I had properly re-created the view, accounting for the database name change in the create view query.

NAV could not connect to the view, unless the database I was restoring to was named exactly the same as the database I backed up from to start.

My laptop had a db name of RestoreTest, the production db was Navision. I had to delete my database and create a new db called Navision before the restore function could get past the view issue.

Your information was invaluable! There was just an extra step to the process.

How you can access to a server or database if you are on travel?

Oh, Are you from Cambodia?